JJ Rosenbaum Advocates to End Forced Labor in the International Fishing Trade

Jennifer (JJ) Rosenbaum (’03), Executive Director of Global Labor Justice, published an article on LinkedIn urging the U.S. Department of State to downgrade Taiwan and Thailand’s rankings in the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report to hold their governments accountable for abuses and failure to meet minimum standards to eliminate forced labor (“Falling Short and Endangering Lives: Forced Labor Persists in Taiwan and Thailand’s Fishing Industries,” Jun. 13). Calling for a labor rights approach to address underlying power imbalances that drive labor exploitation, JJ wrote, “[M]uch of the seafood ending up on Americans’ plates remains tainted with labor abuses, despite the ubiquity of voluntary social responsibility initiatives. It is thus evident that a comprehensive approach to combating forced labor is needed to ensure ethical seafood supply chains.”