Terri Gerstein Supports Worker Voice in Framing Work Location Expectations

Terri Gerstein (’95), Director of the State and Local Enforcement Project at the Harvard Law School Center for Labor and a Just Economy, authored an opinion for CNN discussing why employers should involve workers directly in conversations about where work will happen, citing an opportunity for innovation amid shifting dynamics following this year’s surge in labor action (“What CEOs Are Missing by Trying to Get Workers Back to the Office,” Sep. 8). “The desire to have employees planted in their office chairs every day perhaps stems from a tired, unconstructive desire for things to be the way they were and a desire for control. . . . Workers themselves are in many cases the most able to assess what kind of new setup could be a win-win for them and their employer. To figure out a path forward, executives should do more than simply talking with other executives. . . . Businesses that demand an all-out full-time return to the office no matter what are failing to meet the moment and engaging in throwback thinking.”