Song Richardson Weighs In on Withdrawal from U.S. News College Rankings

Song Richardson (’93), President of Colorado College, was quoted in The New York Times discussing her institution’s move to end participation in the U.S. News & World Report’s school rankings. In an article highlighting other undergraduate programs’ continued participation following their professional school counterparts’ withdrawal from the rankings, Song stated, “I was sure that more schools would join us. . . . I am disappointed it hasn’t happened.” (“Why Colleges Can’t Quit the U.S. News Rankings,” Sep. 16). Song also commented on U.S. News’ recently reworked ranking criteria, calling it “slightly better.” “It doesn’t ease my concerns, which is why we haven’t rejoined. . . . But certainly I’m thrilled that they’re starting to listen to what higher ed leaders have been saying to them.” (“With a New Formula, U.S. News Rankings Boost Some State Universities,” Sep. 18).