Sarah Mattson Dustin Examines Effective Collaboration among Non-Profit Staff and Board Leadership

Sarah Mattson Dustin (’06), Executive Director of New Hampshire Legal Assistance (NHLA), coauthored an article for the national journal of non-profit legal aid programs, Management Information Exchange, and published on NHLA’s blog, reflecting on how executive directors, board chairs and staff can center their organization’s mission, building mutual trust and strong communication to help non-profit legal aid programs succeed (“Leading Together: NHLA Executive Director and Former Board Chair Reflect,” Sep. 6). “The health of the executive director-board chair relationship should be a priority for both partners, and it should model the organization’s values. At its best, the executive director-board chair team can not only accomplish the day-to-day management that the organization needs, but also provide visionary leadership that can keep the organization moving forward and focused on its mission.”