Naomi Shatz Examines Use of Defamation Lawsuits by Those Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Naomi Shatz (’08), partner at Zalkind Duncan & Bernstein, contributed a post to her firm’s “Boston Lawyer Blog” discussing the use of defamation lawsuits by people accused of sexual misconduct as a tactic to fight such allegations. The article focuses specifically on Khan v. Yale, a recent case in which the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled on whether a student accused of sexual misconduct can sue their accuser for defamation made to the school during a Title IX proceeding (Rape, Defamation, and Title IX: Connecticut Supreme Court Holds Yale’s Lack of Procedural Protections Allows Defamation Claims against Complainant To Go Forward,” June 24). “As people accused of sexual misconduct increasingly use defamation and other tort claims to strike back at their accusers, more courts will have to confront this question of whether and how complainants’ statements are privileged.”