Seth Rosenthal Led Team Securing Overturned Death Penalty Conviction

Seth Rosenthal (’93), Chief Deputy Attorney General for the Office of the Attorney General of the District of Columbia, was quoted in Law360 discussing his team’s successful efforts to vacate death sentence and firearms convictions in a pro bono case on behalf of Maryland client, Kenneth Jamal Lighty (“Venable Wins Resentencing for Last Md. Death Row Inmate,” June 2). After serving on a panel of attorneys in the District of Maryland that was created under the federal Criminal Justice Act, Seth recalled being appointed to work on the case: “It was what I did when I was a baby lawyer. And I was interested in taking it up again.” With his former client currently awaiting resentencing, Seth explained, “Basically, the judge has ordered Kenny’s lawyers … and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to meet and confer about what a new penalty phase trial will look like and how long it’s going to take and how long, presumably, Kenny’s lawyers need to prepare.”