Kara Ingelhart (’15), Senior Attorney at Lambda Legal, was quoted on the Lambda Legal Blog celebrating a federal district court ruling ordering the Department of Defense to stop discriminating against people living with HIV and to allow them to deploy and commission as officers in the U.S. military (“Federal Court Strikes Down Pentagon’s Discriminatory Restrictions on Military Service of People Living with HIV as Arbitrary and Unconstitutional; Hailed by Lambda Legal as ‘Landmark Victory,’” Apr. 7). “Until these lawsuits, the Department of Defense was the only entity in the U.S. that was still legally permitted to discriminate against people living with HIV despite the existence of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act. This ruling knocks down the barrier preventing people living with HIV from commissioning and brings an end to the military’s on-going discrimination against the approximately 2,000 service members currently serving while living with HIV.”