Udi Ofer (’01), Deputy National Political Director of the ACLU and Director of the ACLU’s Justice Division, coauthored an article on the ACLU website outlining top criminal legal system measures for the Biden-Harris administration to enact in their first 100 days, including implementing national use of force standards for police, eliminating the federal death penalty, private prisons and solitary confinement, reducing pretrial detentions, ending the war on drugs, and granting mass clemency (“Bold and Visionary: A Criminal Justice To-Do List for the New Administration,” Dec. 7, updated Jan. 15). “Millions of people took to the streets this year demanding racial justice and an end to racism in policing and the criminal legal system more broadly. On Election Day, voters provided their own stamp of approval by passing ballot measures in red and blue states alike to reform drug policy and other laws that have led to our mass incarceration crisis. . . . [N]ow is the moment for bold action to tackle this crisis.”