Nina Kohn (’03), Professor of Law at Syracuse University College of Law, contributed an opinion to The Guardian pressing states’ adoption of the Uniform Law Commission’s model legislation that would limit guardianships by making them harder to impose and easier to terminate, prohibit courts from denying individuals access to counsel of their own choosing, and restrict the ability of guardians to drain assets with unreasonable fees (“Britney Spears’ Case Has Shown Why Guardianship Laws Need to Change,” Aug. 18). “[A]lthough the US Special Committee on Aging and others have urged every state to adopt the model Act, only two – Washington and Maine – have. . . . The good news is Britney Spears’ very public struggle with her conservatorship has the potential to spark the reform. Seeing a young, vibrant, working pop star who can clearly articulate her own wishes traumatized by the guardianship system may be the wake-up the world, and especially the US, needed. Perhaps now there will be the political will needed to ensure guardianship finally becomes the last resort it should always have been.”