Aaron Fischer Advocates for Independent Oversight of San Diego Jails

Aaron Fischer (’06), civil rights and disability rights attorney, contributed a commentary to The San Diego Union-Tribune outlining oversight measures San Diego County must take to prevent in-custody deaths and protect the mental health of people in prisons (“Opinion: San Diego Still Needs Effective Jail Oversight. CLERB Has Not Lived up to Its Mission.” July 14). “Effective oversight of San Diego’s jails remains a critical but unrealized need. . . . [It] requires frequent, unannounced site visits, with access to and expert review of relevant custody and health care records. It demands hearing from, and listening to, people with lived experiences being incarcerated. . . . There are hardworking health services staff and deputies who are committed to ensuring the health and safety of incarcerated people in their care. They should be supported with appropriate resources, training and policies. They should also be held to rigorous standards through independent, robust and transparent oversight.”