Alexandra Brodsky Considers Title IX and the Student-Led Movement against Campus Sexual Violence

Alexandra Brodsky (’16), Staff Attorney at Public Justice, was quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education discussing progress in the movement against campus sexual violence a decade after filing a federal Title IX complaint against Yale University (“Is a Fair Title IX System Possible?” May 18). Alexandra reflected on the current interpretation and application of Title IX and how it has evolved from a time when sexual assault wasn’t discussed. “It is undoubtedly true that many colleges and universities are doing a better job of handling complaints of sexual harassment than they did when I was an undergrad.” Alexandra further noted the necessity of providing a safe learning environment and institutional support. “The question is, what is necessary for a victim to be able to fully participate in campus life? Sometimes, that is not possible for a survivor if they are sharing a campus with a person who assaulted them.” Alexandra’s forthcoming book, Sexual Justice: Supporting Victims, Ensuring Due Process, and Resisting the Conservative Backlash, outlining how institutions can address sexual harms with fairness to both victims and the accused, is available this August.