Alexandra Brodsky (’16), Staff Attorney at Public Justice, was quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education discussing progress in the movement against campus sexual violence a decade after filing a federal Title IX complaint against Yale University (“Is a Fair Title IX System Possible?” May 18). Alexandra reflected on the current interpretation and application of Title IX and how it has evolved from a time when sexual assault wasn’t discussed. “It is undoubtedly true that many colleges and universities are doing a better job of handling complaints of sexual harassment than they did when I was an undergrad.” Alexandra further noted the necessity of providing a safe learning environment and institutional support. “The question is, what is necessary for a victim to be able to fully participate in campus life? Sometimes, that is not possible for a survivor if they are sharing a campus with a person who assaulted them.” Alexandra’s forthcoming book, Sexual Justice: Supporting Victims, Ensuring Due Process, and Resisting the Conservative Backlash, outlining how institutions can address sexual harms with fairness to both victims and the accused, is available this August.