Claudia Flores Joins ACLU in Filing Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Secure Domestic Worker Protections

Claudia Flores (’03), Law Professor and Director of the Global Human Rights Clinic at the University of Chicago, was quoted on The World radio regarding her petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, along with the ACLU, addressing human rights violations on behalf domestic workers in the US (“Activists Argue the US Doesn't Do Enough to Protect Domestic Workers. Can an International Hearing Change That?” Apr. 5). “This is the first petition of any kind that's been brought on behalf of domestic workers against the United States within any international system. Part of the purpose of the commission is in situations just like this, where there is a problem that’s affecting a vulnerable community, that the vulnerable community has tried to bring to US courts, and the US courts haven’t addressed it, and our Congress has not addressed it.”