Chaumtoli Huq Discusses Wide Scale Poverty Alleviation as Bangladesh Marks 50th Anniversary of Independence

Chaumtoli Huq (’99), Associate Professor of Law at CUNY School of Law, published a piece in The Business Standard challenging Nicholas Kristof's recent New York Times opinion on Bangladesh as a model of poverty alleviation and discussing the realities of young girls’ employment in export oriented industries, the limits of microcredit, and pursuing economic development informed by the global grassroots movement for economic and racial justice (“Bangladesh: A Cautionary Tale of Neoliberalism, Not Poverty Alleviation,” Mar. 21). “Bangladesh - as ground zero for climate change - where its land and resources are being converted for industries in service of the global economy, is a forewarning for those who truly care about poverty alleviation and the environment. We should not emulate its economic path but take lessons from its resistance movements. . . . Bangladesh should not be used to thwart the possibilities of a transnational solidarity for human rights. That would be a huge dishonour on the 50th anniversary of its liberation.”