Linda Morris Warns of Impending Mass Eviction Crisis as Black Women Face Greatest Threat

Fellow Linda Morris (‘18), Attorney with the ACLU Women’s Rights Project, contributed an opinion to The Hill discussing longstanding disparities of homeownership and household wealth that place black women at the greatest risk of eviction and calling on Congress to extend the federal moratorium on rent and provide at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance (“A Wave of Mass Evictions Is Inevitable, and Black Women Will Be Hit the Hardest,” July 24). “Black women are especially vulnerable to the damaging consequences of eviction, including health issues, job loss, and even homelessness. … We need bold and swift action from Congress to prevent mass evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond.”

Linda was also consulted by the Huffington Post and Vox regarding expiring rent protections and pre-pandemic housing affordability (“Rent Is Unaffordable In Every Single State In America,” July 14). (“America’s Looming Housing Catastrophe, Explained: ‘The United States Is Facing an Eviction Crisis of Biblical Proportions.’” July 8)