Claudia Flores Applies International Human Rights Standards to National Police Reform

Claudia Flores (‘03), Professor of Law and Director of the International Human Rights Clinic at the University of Chicago, co-authored an article for Medium citing her recent IHRC study (“Deadly Discretion: The Failure of Police Use of Force Policies to Meet Fundamental International Human Rights Law and Standards”) which found police use of force policies in the 20 largest U.S. cities failed to meet international human rights standards, and proposed changes at the federal, state and local level to protect human rights and create public accountability (“The Deadliness of American Exceptionalism,” June 30). “This authority — state sanctioned violence — must come with strict limits and obligations to ensure those who enforce the law do not abuse it. As a nation, we have fallen far short of this. To stop the senseless killing of Americans by the police and to eliminate racism in law enforcement, we must demand our laws and police policies protect and promote basic human rights.”