Ruth Cusick and Laura Faer Help Reduce Campus Arrests

Former Skadden Fellows Ruth Cusick ('08) and Laura Faer's ('04) work with the Los Angeles Unified School District to create a new school police policy that will drastically reduce ticketing and arrests of students on campus has been featured by many media outlets. "We're talking about schoolyard fights that a couple of decades ago nobody would have ever thought would lead to arrest," Ruth told The New York Times ("Los Angeles to Reduce Arrest Rates in Schools," Aug. 18). "The criminalizing of this behavior only goes on in low-income communities." Laura told The Los Angeles Times, "If fully implemented, this policy will move Los Angeles in the right direction to becoming a nationwide leader in putting intervention and support for struggling students before arrests and juvenile court time" ("LAUSD to Decriminalize Student Fights, Petty Thefts and Minor Offenses," Aug. 19).