Haben Girma Featured in BBC 'Women of Africa' Series

Skadden fellow Haben Girma was profiled as part of the BBC World Service series "Women of Africa" ("Deaf-Blind Lawyer on Typing to Obama," Nov. 18). A video about Haben, Harvard Law School's first deaf-blind graduate and the daughter of an Eritrean refugee, recounted her meeting with President Obama when she introduced him at a White House reception to mark the 25th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Obama used what Haben called "alternative technologies" to communicate with her, then gave her a hug, saying, "I couldn't type a hug." Haben told the BBC World Service, "That sends a very empowering message. It reminds the rest of the United States and the rest of the world that having an inclusive attitude ensures that people with disabilities can contribute their talents to society."